Saturday 22 November 2014

Profile of a Who fan... or perhaps not

Saturday 22 November

Since everyone else seems to have been playing with the YouGov Profiler site, I thought I would challenge it to see how typical I am of a Doctor Who viewer.  I duly entered 'Doctor Who' in the criteria.

Here is what it came up with:


Gender: Male  (OK, failed at the first hurdle!)

Aged: 40-59 (That's more like it!)

Social Grade: C2DE (Not commenting on this one except to say that I neither live in Islington nor own a white van, so make of that what you will).

Top Regions: South Coast, Yorkshire, North East. (No, no and no.)


Favourite dishes: hot dogs, chicken soup, Madeira cake, chocolate muffin, banana milkshake and various things I haven't even heard of. (Not exactly healthy eating, are they? I'm not sure exactly what my 'favourite dishes' are, but these are certainly not they.)

Hobbies and Activities: writing, using the internet and going to museums and galleries (pretty well spot on there.)

Favourite sports: Formula One and Athletics (You have got to be joking! I hate all sport).

General Interests: Science, video games and movies. (Try history, crime fiction and gardening!)

Niche Interests: Science and Technology, newspaper cartoons, sustainability charities, culture and the arts, arts and culture charities. (So what exactly is the difference between a 'general' interest and a 'niche' interest? 2/5, could do better!)

Most likely pet: Cat.  (No way!  Sorry.  Will have to leave the internet now, I suppose.)


Shops at: Co-op. (Yes, but only because the three nearest shops to my house have all been taken over by Co-op.  Would be perfectly happy to shop at Tesco, Morrisons or Waitrose if they were more convenient.  But not Sainsbury. I have an irrational dislike of Sainsbury.)

Most likely car: Daihatsu.  (That's a car?  Sounds more like a martial art to me.)

Clothing brands: Air Walk, Reebok and Joe Browns.  (Well, I think I've heard of Reebok, but I don't even own any trainers/sneakers.)


Favourite Movies: Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor (that might have been shown in cinemas, but it's NOT a movie, great though it is.); Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Galaxy Quest. (I think I see a theme emerging here.  But whilst I quite like these films, my favourite is Charade, followed by the original version of The Italian Job.

Favourite TV Shows: Torchwood, Merlin, Red Dwarf, The X-Files, Life on Mars.  (Haven't they heard of Broadchurch?)

Favourite music artists: Wizzard (I think they are having a laugh, don't you?), The Human League, Slade, Madness and A-Ha. (Billy Joel, The Divine Comedy, the Duckworth Lewis Method and Meatloaf.  I never said I had taste, did I?).

Favourite celebrities: Davit Tennant, John Barrowman, Matt Smith, Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat. (Amazing! I wonder how on earth they came up with that selection? 2/5, actually. Serves them right for trying to be clever.)


Newspaper read: The Guardian. (No, too depressing.  The Times has funnier columnists).

Magazines read recently: Empire.  (No, Doctor Who Magazine, Good Housekeeping and The Garden. Pick the bones out of that, YouGov!)

TV Shows watched recently: Doctor Who  (who would have thought it?), Sherlock, The Big Bang Theory,  Marvel's Agents of SHIELD.  (Bang to rights on the first two, but I've never seen the others as I have been too busy watching Masterchef.)


Apart from the really obvious connections, they haven't got much right at all.  But it is good fun to play with.

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