Saturday 7 January 2017

A different planet...

Saturday 7 January 2017

The husband has spent his Christmas vouchers on filling all the gaps in his First Doctor DVD collection. Some of these were stories that we previously had on the VHS tapes we disposed of.

We decided to start with Planet of Giants as it was short (only three episodes, as the original episodes three and four were edited into one.) I don't think it is one of the better stories.  It seems to be an example of what Doctor Who might have been  like if the production team had stuck to their original brief of including educational material about history and science and had  not introduced ‘Bug-Eyed Monsters’ (aka Daleks) early on. The TARDIS crew did their best, but the supporting cast, playing a civil servant, an unscrupulous businessman and a misguided scientist, seem to have been parachuted in from one of the patronising schools' programmes I remember seeing as a child. I don't know about Giants, but the supporting cast definitely seemed to be on a different planet of some sort.

I believe this is the first story to carry an explicit environmental message, but it's no Green Death.

In other news, we eventually cracked the DWM Christmas quiz, managing to answer 47 out of 50 questions - a personal best, as we normally only manage about a dozen.

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