Saturday 29 December 2018

Who Do's and Don'ts

Since its return in 2005, Doctor Who has provided viewers with an ever-growing list of commands. Quite are few are prohibitions - mostly things that we must not do in order to be safe from monsters, though a bit of personal prejudice might be creeping in at number 5.

1.       Don’t blink - from 2007’s Blink.  If you do, the Weeping Angels will get you.

2.       Don’t step in the shadows from 2008’s - Silence in the Library.  The Vashta Nerada are lurking in the shadows - any shadow.

3.       Don’t breathe - from the Twelfth Doctor’s debut story, Deep Breath.  If you breathe the Half-Faced man will get you.

4.       Don’t look - from the 2014 story Listen.  Perhaps the scariest command of all, don’t turn round to look at the monster you think is behind you.

5.       ‘You must not watch this’ advice concerning the 2015 episode Sleep No More that I wish I had heeded.

6.       Never eat pears - the Twelfth Doctor’s parting advice to Clara in 2015’s Hell Bent.

7.  [Late addition] Don't pop bubblewrap - as we learned when the Thirteenth Doctor visited Kerblam!

It’s not all don’ts though.  There are some things which are positively encouraged:

1.       Smile - your life may depend on it if there are any Emojibots around.

2.       Always take a banana to a party.   Not only are they a good source of potassium, you might invent the banana daiquiri a few centuries early, as the Tenth Doctor did in The Girl in the Fireplace.

Warning: If you are thinking about New Year Resolutions, this is not the list you need.  But don’t forget your banana on New Year’s Eve.

Friday 28 December 2018

Talking of Frogs....

Watching It Takes You Away made us want to revisit a 'classic' episode which also featured a talking frog: Four to Doomsday.

This was the first Peter Davison story to be filmed, and it shows. It's an odd episode, which would have fitted pretty well into the Hartnell era. There are some similarities with The Ark, although in this case it is the Urbankans who have left their dying planet. Earth has been chosen as their new home.

The TARDIS crew have not really settled down.  Tegan just wants to go home, and is extremely annoying - though she does demonstrate excellent artistic skills.  Nyssa is being a scientific clever clogs, and is annoying.  Adric is just annoying.

Overall the story is pretty poor, but it does provide a use for the Fifth Doctor's cricketing outfit, or at least the cricket ball in his pocket, as long as you can suspend disbelief in the laws of physics.

Monday 24 December 2018

Stone Me - a talking frog!

24 December 2018

Image result for free images doctor who jodie whittaker

I have been very negligent in blogging about the most recent episodes.  So here, in true i-Player tradition is a catch-up:


A nice little satire on online shopping and huge corporations.  Sadly not enough Lee Mack, but a good twist at the end.  Make a mental note to add ‘popping bubblewrap’ to the things which Doctor Who forbids.

The Witchfinders

A celebrity historical that is completely stolen by Alan Cumming’s portrayal of James VI and I.  So over the top he is onto the next hill but one.  Also makes good use of the Doctor’s new gender - of course she would be regarded as the Witchfinder’s ‘assistant’ and then ducked as a witch.

It Takes You Away

Unquestionably the best episode of the series.  It starts with an apparently abandoned cottage in Norway, lulling the viewer into thinking it will not be that different in tone from the previous episode, but before long we are in the anti-zone with a Gollum-like creature, before ending up with a sentient universe appearing as a talking frog.  This is the sort of story that Doctor Who can pull off - sheer madness!

The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos

After the previous episode, this seemed a bit underpowered.  Tim Shaw was not really a strong enough villain to merit a comeback in the season finale, and the eponymous battle was not realised on screen.

I can’t wait to see what is in store on New Year’s Day!

Sunday 23 December 2018

Quick Guide to Who Christmas Specials

It's the first year for 14 years that there has not been a Doctor Who Christmas special on 25 December.  To someone who lived through the long Who drought of the 1990s* it still seems slightly incredible that for the new generation Doctor Who is as much a Christmas TV tradition as the Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special and the James Bond film were in my childhood.

[*In the 1990s and early 2000s we had only Virgin books and Big Finish audios for new Who. But Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without listening to The Chimes of Midnight at least once.]

So here is my reflection on the specials of the past 14 years in order of brilliance:

The Christmas Invasion

The debut of the best Doctor ever, in pyjamas, with killer Christmas trees, epic Star Wars style space duel, and ending in time for the Doctor to enjoy a family Christmas dinner.  Perfection!

The Unquiet Dead

Not strictly a Christmas special, but set at Christmas, with Charles Dickens and ghosts, so it counts.  And it’s brilliant.

A Christmas Carol

Doctor Who’s take on the classic Dickensian Christmas tale.  With giant space fish and a haunting carol.

The Doctor the Widow and the Wardrobe

This Narnia-like story gets a high place for sheer Christmas schmaltz.  Ideal for family viewing after overdosing on the mince pies. 

The Runaway Bride

The introduction of the fabulous Donna Noble, with Sarah Parish eating the scenery as the Empress of the Racnoss, and the most wonderful chase scene.  Would have scored higher, but the Christmas flavour seems a bit tacked on (probably due to filming in July…)

Voyage of the Damned

A glossy disaster movie for Christmas, with lovely cameo from Bernard Cribbins.  But why employ Kylie Minogue and get someone else to sing the song?

Last Christmas

Disconcerting mix between Christmassy and very bleak, marked higher because of the Rudolph’s nose gag.

Twice Upon a Time

Two (well, three, just) Doctors for the price of one.  Scores highly for David Bradley’s First Doctor and Mark Gatiss’ displaced soldier, but the whole Testimony thing was rather annoying.

The Return of Doctor Mysterio

A superhero movie - good family entertainment, but not very Who-like.

The Next Doctor

Good Dickensian Christmas vibe, but scored down for Russell T Davies’ evil tease and the cybershades.  Also the plot was weak.

The Husbands of River Song

Some very funny moments, but Nardole was annoying and the monsters were too revolting for post-Christmas lunch viewing.

The End of Time

Lovely performance from Bernard Cribbins (and I want to be June Whitfield) but I am too sad about this being Ten’s swansong to mark any higher. Also, the farewell tour at the end was unnecessary.

The Snowmen

The Doctor sulking on a cloud, before joining forces with Mary Poppins-lite - really?

The Time of the Doctor

Sounds of the bottom of the barrel being scraped with a town called Christmas.  The festive bird being cooked in the TARDIS was not the only turkey in this episode.

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