Thursday 12 July 2018


12 July 2018

After juggling two and a bit jobs for the past six or seven months with secondments and 'acting' roles, they have worn me down and I am finally changing jobs permanently.  This is very sad, as I liked my old job, but my colleagues put on a great leaving party, complete with TARDIS piƱata. 

I really hope someone got a picture of the distinguished professor of English Literature bashing it with a miniature cricket bat!

My leaving speech was short: the Tenth Doctor's final words.

Update: I returned later to the office to retrieve the TARDIS (yes, that was me carrying it home on the train).  The following morning I wasn't in and I got a panicked email from a colleague:

"You didn’t by any chance come in early this morning to take the TARDIS? It’s gone and Barbara and Ian are going into detective mode. (You just missed a moment in the office that you might have cherished when Ian could be overheard saying on the phone ‘we had a TARDIS in the office and…’.)*"

 *Names have been changed.  Obviously.

By coincidence, one of my colleagues in my new role is the person who was briefly my boss elsewhere and who bought me a Cyberman book and Dalek poster as a leaving present.

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