Sunday 24 April 2016

St George's Day

23 April 2016

It is St George's Day, and the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death (or at least the 400th anniversary is being celebrated today.)

To honour the occasion, the BBC have decided to announce the new Doctor Who companion at half time of a football match.  Do Doctor Who fans watch football?  The new companion turns out not to be David Tennant as Doctor 10.2 (my ideal choice), or Frank Skinner (my second choice, after his performance in Mummy on the Orient Express), but then Peter Capaldi is on record as saying that he didn't want a male companion, in case he got to do all the action stuff. It is actually a girl named Bill, played by Pearl Mackie.

This will naturally led itself to some great puns and headlines in Doctor Who Magazine. How long before they run with 'Kill Bill!'

Meanwhile in Stratford-upon-Avon, the DoctorDonna (i.e. David Tennant and Catherine Tate) are hosting the Shakespeare Live! gala at the RSC. The start was a bit shaky, and there was rather too much music and not enough Shakespeare but it cheered up no end after the Nine Hamlets sketch with David Tennant, Tim Minchin, Paapa Essiedu, Harriet Walter, Ian McKellen, Rory Kinnear, Benedict Cumberbatch, Judi Dench and, er... Prince Charles.

I was left a little disappointed though that it didn't start with Dean Lennox Kelly coming on and saying 'Shut your mouths'

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