Saturday 21 November 2015

There's a hole in my Who scarf....

Saturday 21 November 2015 (Almost Doctor Who's 52nd birthday)

It's been a busy week and I haven't had time to write up the rest of the festival and upload my photos.

In the meantime, my husband decided to wear his brand new burgundy 4th Doctor scarf (bought at the festival last week) to work.  Silly idea, really, but as I was wearing my 'Pandorica Opens' scarf to work, I couldn't really comment.

All was fine, until on the way home, I noticed a rip or tear in the end. Disaster!  It looked as if the label had caught on something and been ripped off, though my other half wasn't aware of it happening.

The upshot is that I now have to find a way of mending it.  Being a busy, professional person, I haven't had much time for craft lately, and I couldn't find my knitting bag (where I hoped to find some suitably-matching yarn) anywhere.  As a last resort, I tried the spare room wardrobe, but all I could find was a deflated Dalek and a Womble costume (only in my house...) 

Instead, I am going to cannibalise one of the tassels from the fringe to get some matching yarn and reconstruct the tassel afterwards.  I hope it works.

The day after the scarf incident, my husband wore his (also new) Fifth Doctor cricket sweater to work. Meanwhile, no one has noticed that my artistic 'Van Gogh' scarf is not quite as it seems....

Update: My cunning plan has worked! The scarf is restored to its former glory (well, almost).

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