Saturday 6 May 2017

Knock, Knock

Saturday 6 May

Tonight's episode was apparently named in honour of a joke so old that we were telling it in the playground when I was at primary school. Are 'knock, knock' jokes still a thing in the 21st century, or as they as dated as Angel Delight and blue PE knickers?

Bill is moving into a house share and the Doctor is helping.  Is this the first time  that the TARDIS has been used as a removal van?  But whilst she is happy to have assistance with transporting her things, she really doesn't want the Doctor interfering in the normal part  of her life and embarrassing her in front of her new housemates.  You don't get rid of the Doctor that easily, though, and it turns out the suspiciously cheap house is not at all normal.

It looks nice enough and has large rooms and lots of potential.  It's surprising that it hasn't been snapped up by a property developer - all it needs  is central heating and rewiring. Or does it? Something nasty is lurking in the woodwork, and it isn't just deathwatch beetle.

This was a classic creepy (or creaky) house story.  It reminded me of the X-Files episode War of the Coprophages,  but with added Scooby-Do, even down to the sinister caretaker, sorry, landlord, played brilliantly by David Suchet.  Scooby-Who, perhaps?

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